What are the advantages of using NeoGraft® for my hair restoration in Orlando?
Traditional methods of hair replacement could be considered primitive in comparison to the advances NeoGraft® has made to all previous hair restoration techniques. The automated FUE method has eliminated the lengthy procedure which made the manual FUE method so undesirable, and the strip method, with its invasive technique, linear scarring, and insufficient result, can no longer rise to the platform of success that NeoGraft® has set for hair restoration.
Instead of using scalpels to remove a strip of graft and forceps to remove each hair follicle, NeoGraft® uses a motorized punch and pneumatic pressure, or suction, to extract each hair follicle directly from the scalp without disturbing the surrounding tissue, nerves, or blood vessels. NeoGraft® is nearly pain-free, eliminating the need for even IV sedation. Patients will be conscious and aware throughout the entire procedure. The motorized punch ensures that each graft is created uniformly. Pneumatic pressure ensures that each follicle remains whole and undamaged, unlike the uncontrollability of forceps. Until the grafts are ready to be transplanted to their new location on the scalp, the grafts are sealed in a container, separated, and misted to remain moist. Once the grafts are ready for transplantation, NeoGraft® once again uses pneumatic pressure to smoothly insert the graft into its new location. Our doctors and staff are able to control the individual placement of each follicle. This added precision aids in creating a natural-looking curve to the hairline. It also avoids the “popcorn” texture that often occurs while using forceps to implant the graft at the treatment location.